Category: News

Coming Soon

Currently working on a new transfer of this gem. Madonna’s “Like A Prayer” US 12″ promo includes exclusive “Dub Mixes”. So today there will not be a post while I continue to work on the six tracks included in this record. 😎

Unpacking files Pleas Read!

Hey everyone,

Hope you are doing well this weekend. Some of you are having trouble unpacking files lately. The reason for this may be because this year I updated to the latest version of WinRar for Windows which I use to archive all of the files for download on BTG. In order to fix the problem, you may need to update your software to a newer version to be compatible with mine. I use a Windows operating system so I am not sure what is available for MAC users RaRLab, WinZip and Unarchiver come to mind, however, a quick Google search of how to open RAR files on a MAC should provide the answer. If you are using Windows you can also use a free program called 7 Zip which I have heard works well to unpack many file-formats including RAR files.

Also when using the MEGA link to download my 24bit files just enter the password when asked to “Enter Decryption Password” the file and you will be able to download from there. Anytime you download a file make sure you let the download finish completely or the file will not work. Information such as Password and much more are located in the FAQ section here on BTG I would advise you to give it a read if you have not already.

Lastly, let’s try to be kind to one another I look at Burning The Ground as my home I would expect people to show respect in my home so I expect it here as well. Disinformation and nastiness will not be tolerated.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Take care and stay safe.


Vacation January 12-21

Hey guys,

I really hope everyone is staying safe and doing whatever you can to protect yourselves, and those around them during the very strange times we find ourselves living in. I wanted to let you all know that I will be going on vacation from January 12 to January 21. Much like my partner and I did last year only staying closer to home due to the pandemic.

I will miss you all and I will see you when I return around January 21.

Love & Light


Happy Healthy Holiday!

This year has been like no other. Coronavirus has affected our lives in untold ways including keeping up with friends and family. No matter where you are or your personal situation remember “we’re all in this together.”

From my heart to yours I want to wish each and every one of you an Unprecedented, Essential, Socially-Distanced, Extraordinary, Happy Healthy Holiday!

I will see you in 2021

Love & Light
