Hi everyone,
It’s Paul, and I wanted to give you all an update. I recently saw my doctor after surgery, and he assured me that they successfully removed the cancer from my left kidney. The margins around it are also clear, which means I won’t need any further treatment like chemotherapy or radiation—great news! While the chances of recurrence aren’t zero, they’re very unlikely.
I’m healing well, though I need to avoid lifting anything over ten pounds for the next six weeks and avoid heavy exertion.
I also want to express my deepest gratitude for the overwhelming love and support you’ve shown—through messages, cards, gifts, and donations. It has truly meant the world to me and has been a huge part of my healing process. I love and appreciate you all so much.
I’m looking forward to getting back to posting on Burning the Ground soon! At first, posts may be a bit limited as I ease back into things, but I’m excited to return.
I appreciate your patience, and I’ll see you all soon.