Dear Burning The Ground Readers,
I wanted to take a moment to share some personal news with you. If you’ve noticed a slowdown in activity on the blog recently, it’s because life has thrown me an unexpected challenge.
Last month, after visiting my doctor and undergoing several tests—including an MRI and ultrasound—I was diagnosed with cancer in my left kidney. While this news has understandably been a lot to process, there is some relief in knowing that the cancer was caught early. My doctor is optimistic, and this early detection provides a positive outlook for my treatment and recovery.
On Monday, January 20, I will be undergoing a robotic partial nephrectomy to remove the cancer. This procedure is a step toward a healthier future. After the surgery, I’ll need about 4–6 weeks to recover fully. During this period, I won’t be able to update the blog, but I’ve asked my partner, Jeremy, to keep you updated on how the surgery goes and to share any relevant news.
Your support, patience, and understanding mean the world to me during this time. Burning The Ground has always been more than just a blog to me—it’s a community, and I’m deeply grateful to have you all as part of it.
Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. I’ll be back as soon as I’m able, ready to dive back into celebrating the music we all love.
Love & Light,
sorry to hear this. hopefully you will be able to recover soon.v
Sending lots of love and light to you, Paul! There are so many of us thinking of you and wishing you well! I hope you know how respected, beloved and adored you are! Get well soon, my friend!
A relative of mine in his 60s had similar surgery 10 years ago to remove one kidney and 1/3 of the other. He is still alive, healthy and playing in a jazz band regularly! Lets hope your experience is as successful. Good luck!
mucha fuerza y mis mejores deseos para ti, todo saldra bien!, un abrazo!
gracias por todo y fuerza en este proceso, todo saldra bien con fe.
Fuerzas Dj Paul…hoy por suerte existen tratamientos que ayudan a salir de esos momentos tan feos, que a veces toca vivir… todo va salir , ten mucha fe … es mi deseo que tengas una rapida recuperacion…saludos desde Argentina
Dear Paul,
Thanks very much for your website and all the time you spend on It for us.
This is the first time I post a line on the internet over 25 years!
My very first post is for you, we have exactly the same life path.
You are very courageous and you’re gonna make It, I send you all my strength in the face of this fight.
Sorry for my poor English
Love & Peace & Courage from Timeo and husband (France)
Best wishws
All the best and get well soon!
Praying for you~ You will be fine. sending lot’s of love your way.
All the best Paul with my most sincere wishes for a quick and good recovery, stay strong and you will be victorious
Wishing you the best from a fellow cancer survivor. There struggle but in the end of your treatment, everything will be fine. Hang in there!
Paul, los mejores deseos de recuperación, tu música me ha alegrado desde hace varios años, y en la medida que puedo, colaboro con donaciones , que todo salga bien en la operación y buen retorno a tu hogar.!!!
The best of wishes Paul, we love the blog but EVERYTHING comes second to ones’ health, so glad it was caught early and wishing you the best of health for now and the future. xx
Hi Paul, just a quick note to wish you a full and speedy recovery so you can get back to doing what you like the most! Thank you for all the music shared during the years, the info and the warm wishes during every holiday. You got this, get well soon!
You’re in thoughts Paul. Take care of yourself and we all hope for a speedy recovery.
Hi Paul….. I hope everything goes well and I wish you a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself now more than ever …Blessings
Take good care of yourself and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Music is healing so keep listening.
Hey Paul,
You are in the hearts of many. An army of positive thoughts are coming to you. Use it to beat this cancer. Get well soon my friend from Cebu City, Philippines.
Get well soon!
Hey Paul, I’m very sorry to hear this but thank God you will be cured and first God you will be healed soon, take care of yourself and we hope to see you here soon. greetings.
you got this, Paul
Keeping fingers crossed for you, get well soon!
Paul, I wish you the best of luck today and a speedy and full recovery.
Dear Paul,
I just wanted to send my heartfelt wishes for a smooth, speedy, and full recovery. I’m so glad to hear that the cancer was caught early, and I have no doubt you’ll come through this stronger than ever. Please take all the time you need to rest and heal. We’ll all be here, sending you positive energy and looking forward to your return when you’re ready.
Take care, and wishing you all the best on your journey to recovery.
With warm thoughts,
Hey Paul. I have enjoyed your music over the last 5 years. You make sure you beat this illness and get better soon. Take some time off. Remember there are more important things in life than us. My prayers are with you.
Paul, I am thinking of you and hoping for the very best with your procedure, recovery, and prognosis.
I’m mostly a lurker here, but wanted to take a moment to thank you profusely for the great work you’ve been doing on here and to send you best thoughts for a speedy recovery. Your contributions mean a lot to many people.
Very sorry to hear this Paul, all the best to you and thankyou so much for all the pleasure you have brought me, and will bring in the future…
So heartbreaking to hear! Keep strong and I am praying you have a successful surgery and recovery!
good luck and hope that your recovery is quick
Sorry to hear about this, Paul. So glad it was caught early. Keeping you in my thoughts. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Very sorry to hear this news but i wish you a speedy recovery ! Sending positive energy your way ! Take care.
So sorry to hear that. I will keep you in my thoughts. Be strongh my friend.
I’m sure you will overcome all this. Hoping that you are recovered as soon as possible. A warm hug from a Brazilian who admires your work!
I’ve been following your blog for many years and thanks for sharing those lovely songs ! Your health is in high priority now ! Take care and get well soon Paul ! Pray for you !
Don’t worry about the blog now. Bring all your energy to your health!
It is the most important thing, and nothing else matters in the end.
I think that many of us here will support you with positive minds.
We will be waiting patiently right here. Be sure that there is a lot of emotional support in this community. A community that only exists because of your love for our music. Gather all your strength and beat the beast. I know that you will!
All the best wishes from Germany,
Paul, I’m sorry to read this news about your health. However i’m glad it was caught early and i hope and pray for a swift recovery for you.
Been Coming here for years! Prayers are with you for a full and fast recovery!
Paul I’ve been following downloading enjoying the music of my youth with you since 2010! Take care and hope outcome is good.
Je vous souhaite le meilleur que cette maladie s’en aille très loin de vous , de grosses pensées positives de France…..
Take your time and focus only to your health.
No matter all the rest.
Sure you’ll be fine!
Strenght strenght strenght!!
Love & Respect from Italy
best wishes for a speedy recovery and look forward, when you’re ready, to your return. love and peace
amigo no te preocupes que todo va a salir muy bien, veras que sanaras muy pronto y volveras a tu rutina cotidiana , mucha suerte !!
esperamos protonto tu regreso .
Hi, Paul:
I’ve been visiting your blog for years and love it. Today I am writing to wish the best. Put yourself in the hands of God. My right kidney was completely removed last August for the same reasons except mine was not diagnosed that early. The good about renal cell carcinoma is that it does not tend to metastize unless diagnosed too late. I have only one kidney but happy to be alive. You will be healthy and happy. May God guide the hands of your surgeon. See you here again soon, my friend!
Paul, don’t worry about us,we’ll be here waiting and sending positive vibes for you to fully recover.
Just think of yourself right now.
We want you back in good health and for a long time, so take as long as is needed to get well.
Stay strong, and get this thing beaten.
Sending positive vibes from Suriname, South America
Lurking for years, though seldom commenting. This, this makes me break silence though. Your work on BTG is immensely laudable. Pristine and lossless transfers with impeccable quality control. Even your write-ups of each single is meticulously researched.
Get well Paul – you sweet and gentle soul.
All the best for a speedy recovery. Live long and prosper.